Addressing the Burden of Education Financing in Low and Lower-Middle-Income Countries: The Role of Savings Accounts, Cash Transfers, and Other Income Sources

Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Otchere, F., Koomson, I., & Sherraden, M. (2021). Addressing the burden of education financing in low and lower middle income countries: The role of savings accounts, cash transfers, and other income sources. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 42(4), 745–756.

Re-emergence of Social Work in Modern China: A Perspective by Chinese and U.S. Partners

Sherraden, M., Yuen-Tsang, A. W. K., Wang, S., Khinduka, S., Zou, L., Deng, S., Gao, J., Ku, B. H.-B., Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., & Morrow-Howell, N. (2020). Re-emergence of social work in modern China: A perspective by Chinese and U.S. partners. China Journal of Social Work, 13(1), 40–54.

Financial Social Work

Sherraden, M. S., & Huang, J. (2019). Financial social work. In C. Franklin et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Work. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.923

Assessing the Impact of an Asset-Based Intervention on Educational Outcomes of Orphaned Children and Adolescents: Findings from a Randomised Experiment in Uganda

Nabunya, P., Namatovu, P., Damulira, C., Kivumbi, A., Byansi, W., Mukasa, M., Nattabi, J., & Ssewamala, F. M. (2019). Assessing the impact of an asset-based intervention on educational outcomes of orphaned children and adolescents: Findings from a randomised experiment in Uganda. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 59–69. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1575271

Building Assets From Birth: Singapore’s Policies

Loke, V., & Sherraden, M. (2019). Building assets from birth: Singapore’s policies. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 6–19. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1571940

Financial Inclusion and Financial Access

Birkenmaier, J., Despard, M., Friedline, T., & Huang, J. (2019, February). Financial inclusion and financial access. In C. Franklin et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Work. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.1331

The Global Environmental Injustice of Fast Fashion

Bick, R., Halsey, E., & Ekenga, C. C. (2018). The global environmental injustice of fast fashion. Environmental Health, 17, 92.

Financial Capability as Social Investment

Caplan, M., Sherraden, M. S., & Bae, J. (2018). Financial capability as social investment. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 45(4), 147–167. doi:10.7936/gmfw-0e43

Asset Building as Social Investment

Sherraden, M. (2018). Asset building as social investment. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 45(4), 35–54. doi:10.7936/d50p-as46