The Basic Economic Security Tables for the United States

Wider Opportunities for Women & Center for Social Development. (2010). The Basic Economic Security Tables for the United States [Report]. Washington, DC: Author.

Policy Context for CDAs Over the Next 20 Years

Steuerle, E. (2010). Policy context for CDAs over the next 20 years. Children & Youth Services Review, 32(11), 1605–1608. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.04.004

CDA Legislative Challenges and Opportunities

Goldberg, F. T., Jr., Friedman, B., & Boshara, R. (2010). CDA legislative challenges and opportunities. Children & Youth Services Review, 32(11), 1609–1616. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.04.005

Saving for College: A Policy Primer

Clancy, M., Lassar, T., & Taake, K. (2010, September). Saving for college: A policy primer (CSD Policy Brief No. 10-27). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Estimating the Life Course Dynamics of Asset Poverty

Rank, M. R., & Hirschl, T. A. (2010). Estimating the life course dynamics of asset poverty (CSD Working Paper No. 10-25). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

The Basics of Progressive 529s

Boshara, R., Clancy, M., Newville, D., & Sherraden, M. (2009). The basics of progressive 529s. St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development, and New America Foundation.

Asset Building in the South: Organizations and Services

Gunn, G., Heffern, J., & Edwards, K. (2010). Asset building in the South: Organizations and services (CSD Report No. 10-10). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Savings and Financial Services in Native Communities

Wagner, K., & Hertel, A. L. (2010, January). Savings and financial services in Native communities (CSD Research Brief No. 10-07). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.