SEED for Oklahoma Kids: Launch Media Report

Center for Social Development. (2008). SEED for Oklahoma Kids: Launch media report (CSD Research Report No. 08-41). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Asset Building Over the Life Course

Rank, M. (2008). Asset building over the life course (Report in the series Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households). Washington, DC: Urban Institute, Washington University Center for Social Development, and New America Foundation.

Determinants of Asset Building

Beverly, S. G., Sherraden, M., Zhan, M., Williams Shanks, T. R., Nam, Y., & Cramer, R. (2008). Determinants of asset building (Report in the series Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households). Washington, DC: Urban Institute, Washington University Center for Social Development, and New America Foundation.

Assets, Poverty, and Public Policy: Challenges in Definition and Measurement

Nam, Y., Huang, J., & Sherraden, M. (2008). Assets, poverty, and public policy: Challenges in definitions and measurement (Report in the series Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households). Washington, DC: Urban Institute, Washington University Center for Social Development, and New America Foundation.

Policy Forming Mechanisms in Rural China

Qiu, A.-J. (2008). Policy forming mechanisms in rural China (CSD Working Paper No. 08-11). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Parental Assets: A Pathway to Positive Child Educational Outcomes

Grinstein-Weiss, M., Yeo, Y. H., Irish, K., & Zhan, M. (2008). Parental assets: A pathway to positive child educational outcomes (CSD Working Paper No. 08-07). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

Asset Outcomes for Women and Children: A Research Review

Chowa, G., Ansong, D., & Ibrahim, H. (2007). Asset outcomes for women and children: A research review (CSD Working Paper No. 07-28). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.

The Effects of Welfare and IDA Program Rules on the Asset Holding of Low-Income Families

McKernan, S. M., Ratcliffe, C., & Nam, Y. (2007). The effects of welfare and IDA program rules on the asset holding of low-income families (Report in the series Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households). Washington, DC: Urban Institute, Washington University Center for Social Development, and New America Foundation.

Assessing Asset Data on Low-Income Households

Ratcliffe, C., Chen, H., Williams Shanks, T. R., Nam, Y., Schreiner, M., Zhan, M., & Sherraden, M. (2007). Assessing asset data on low-income households (Report in the series Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households). Washington, DC: Urban Institute, Washington University Center for Social Development, and New America Foundation.

SEED Participant Characteristics and Financial Accumulation

Mason, L. R., Loke, V., Clancy, M., Nam, Y., Kim, Y., & Lo, S. (2007). SEED participant characteristics and financial accumulation (CSD Research Report No. 07-14). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.