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‘The Mission Continues’ National Initiative

‘The Mission Continues’ National Initiative

Community and National Service

We conducted a study involving nearly 500 veterans in more than 400 nonprofit organizations in 42 states. 

A Research Project to Develop an ‘Audit Toolkit’ to Assess the Impact of Service Programmes and Volunteering

A Research Project to Develop an ‘Audit Toolkit’ to Assess the Impact of Service Programmes and Volunteering

Community and National Service

We develop an instrument that allows service and volunteer organizations to assess the impact of their programs.

Advancing Research & Policy on International Volunteer Service

Advancing Research & Policy on International Volunteer Service

International Service

We partner with the Brookings Institution to research avenues for meaningful participation in international volunteering and service. 

American Dream Policy Demonstration (ADD)

American Dream Policy Demonstration (ADD)

Asset Building

This is the first large-scale demonstration of Individual Development Accounts, with approximately 2,400 accounts opened at 13 sites across the country. 

AmeriCorps*VISTA Entrepreneur Corps

AmeriCorps*VISTA Entrepreneur Corps

Community and National Service

We assess activities and recommended performance measurement indicators to organizations aiming to increase asset ownership among low-income groups.

Assessing Effective Practices of International Service

Assessing Effective Practices of International Service

International Service

In partnership with the University of Ottawa, we surveyed more than 300 volunteer partner organizations operating in more than 80 countries in the Global South.

Assessing Intercultural Competence in International Service in Ecuador, Great Britain and Switzerland

Assessing Intercultural Competence in International Service in Ecuador, Great Britain and Switzerland

International Service

We test intercultural competence and the impact of international youth service programs on Swiss and British volunteers and their Ecuadorian hosts. 

ASSET Project

ASSET Project

Financial Capability

We seek to increase the financial capability of Head Start families in the St. Louis metropolitan area through financial education. 

Assets Across the Life Course

Assets Across the Life Course

Asset Building

We examine the patterns and determinants of asset accumulation across the life course, using 35 years of data.

Assets and Disability

Assets and Disability

Asset Building

CSD’s work at the intersection of disability and asset building continues to inform policy as well as practice.

Assets for Independence Act Evaluation

Assets for Independence Act Evaluation

Asset Building

We assisted the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families in designing the next evaluation of the AFIA program. 



Global Asset Building

Our pilot program tests asset-building innovations for impoverished households and communities in Uganda. 

Celebrating Strengths of Black Girls

Celebrating Strengths of Black Girls

Youth Development

We work to advance equity for girls of color. This project focuses on building resiliency, and it identifies assets that are protective factors.

Child Well-being

Child Well-being

Child Well-being

We sponsored the Child Well-Being Symposium in 2014 and continue to build this program to test strategies and use knowledge to inform policies and practices.

China: Inclusive Asset-Based Policy

China: Inclusive Asset-Based Policy

Global Asset Building

We assist China with creating its first asset-building program and conduct ongoing research with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Choices of Life for Adolescence Success (CLASS) Project

Choices of Life for Adolescence Success (CLASS) Project

Youth Development

This study assesses African-American freshman and sophomore students’ decisions to remain in high school and their opinions regarding dropout prevention programs. 

Civic Service in Lesotho: Local Sources and U.S. Connections

Civic Service in Lesotho: Local Sources and U.S. Connections

Community and National Service

Our research finds that informal and formal civic service traditions in Lesotho are primarily a response to social necessity.

Civic Service Research Fellows Program

Civic Service Research Fellows Program

Community and National Service

We support innovative research on civic service in countries all over the world from a multinational network of scholars and researchers.

College Success: Increasing Access through Inclusion in 529 Plans

College Success: Increasing Access through Inclusion in 529 Plans

Asset Building

CSD seeks to inform and put in place an inclusive 529 platform for educational savings to increase postsecondary degree success among lower-income children, youth, and non-traditional students.

Community Health Impacts of International Service in Uganda

Community Health Impacts of International Service in Uganda

Community and National Service

We designed a randomized clinical trial measuring the impacts of volunteer-based health trainings on behavior in central Uganda.

Contributions of International Volunteers to Gender Equality

Contributions of International Volunteers to Gender Equality

International Service

This collaboration with the University of Ottawa and an international team of researchers has collected and analyzed data from partner organizations in 10 countries to examine the roles international development volunteers play in advancing gender equality and empowering women.

Contributions of the Earned Income Tax Credit to Community Development in Indian Country

Contributions of the Earned Income Tax Credit to Community Development in Indian Country

Native Families and Communities

With the Buder Center for American Indian Studies, we investigate the potential of using the Earned Income Tax Credit toward poverty alleviation in Indian Country. 

Costs of Upward Social Mobility

Costs of Upward Social Mobility

Racial Discrimination and Health

We examine racial and ethnic differences in depression, including the effects of socioeconomic position and discrimination.

Democracy and Civic Engagement

Democracy and Civic Engagement

Our research focuses on societal inclusion and ways to promote engagement across the life course.

Development of Transnational Youth Voluntary Service in the European Union

Development of Transnational Youth Voluntary Service in the European Union

Community and National Service

We analyze national policies in France, Italy, the Czech Republic and Poland to investigate how national frameworks can expand international voluntary service. 

Dialogues on Assets in Native Communities

Dialogues on Assets in Native Communities

Asset Building

We investigate the asset holdings of one Native community by asking members to define “assets” for themselves and for their community. 

DukeEngage Community Partner Project

DukeEngage Community Partner Project

Community and National Service

We assessed community partner perceptions of student volunteers, their preferred attributes and perceived impact from 2011-2013 survey data. 

Economic Security Measure

Economic Security Measure

Asset Building

We expand the national methodology for basic income adequacy and economic security measure by including saving components. 

Emerging Perspectives on International Volunteerism in Asia

Emerging Perspectives on International Volunteerism in Asia

International Service

Our project examines challenges and emerging perspectives in international volunteerism in Asia through an online survey and in-country interviews.

Employee Financial Wellness Programs

Employee Financial Wellness Programs

Financial Behaviors

Through research, we assess whether such programs offer a promising strategy for building financial security among workers.

Environment and Social Development

Environment and Social Development

We examine social vulnerability to environmental change, and strategies for social action and adaptation.

Environmental Attitudes and Civic Programs: A Critical Study of Engagement in the United Arab Emirates

Environmental Attitudes and Civic Programs: A Critical Study of Engagement in the United Arab Emirates

Community and National Service

We investigate the impact of service learning on environmental awareness and civic engagement.

Envisioning Community Land Trusts

Envisioning Community Land Trusts

A Toolkit for Public Dialogue

The “Envisioning Community Land Trust” series reflects a collaboration between students of CSD’s Dr. Molly Metzger and two community partners: elected officials and community organizations in Webster Groves, Missouri, and the Green City Coalition in the City of St. Louis, MO. The intention of this series is to make scholarship on CLTs more accessible to the public, in order to foster robust community engagement concerning new possibilities for this model in the St. Louis region.

Estimating Mental Health Needs

Estimating Mental Health Needs

Racial Discrimination and Health

Our work examines the prevalence of mental disorders in African Americans in primary care and community settings.

Evaluation of Hope Plus Account Program

Evaluation of Hope Plus Account Program

Global Asset Building

This collaborative research project with the Seoul Welfare Foundation focuses on a matched savings program modeled on Individual Development Accounts.

Experience Corps School-based Tutoring Project

Experience Corps School-based Tutoring Project

Productive Aging

Experience Corps  is an inter-generational tutoring program that places older adults in public schools to help students who experience trouble with reading. 

Exploring Saving for Education in American Indian Communities

Exploring Saving for Education in American Indian Communities

Native Families and Communities

Our research addresses saving for post-secondary education in American Indian communities in North Carolina. 

Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota

Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota

Asset Building

In 1998, the Minnesota Legislature passed into law the Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota (FAIM) Pilot Project for IDAs. FAIM was the first statewide IDA program to be studied in this level of detail.

Financial Capability & Asset Building​ (FCAB)

Financial Capability & Asset Building​ (FCAB)

Asset Building

We are building a body of evidence in financial capability, defined as both the knowledge to make optimal financial decisions and access to appropriate and beneficial financial services. 

Financial Capability & Asset Building​ in Africa (FCAB Africa)

Financial Capability & Asset Building​ in Africa (FCAB Africa)

Asset Building

The Financial Capability & Asset Building in Africa (FCAB Africa) initiative aims to increase financial capability and asset holding among socially and financially marginalized populations in Africa. By improving financial stability and security in these populations, the initiative seeks to strengthen their social and economic well-being.


Financial Capability & Human Services Education

Financial Capability & Human Services Education

Financial Capability

We address the gap in professional FCAB training of social workers and other human service practitioners who serve low- and moderate-income households.

Global Assessment of Civic Service

Global Assessment of Civic Service

Community and National Service

We assess the forms, purposes, activities, servers  and operations of all civic service programs worldwide.

Global Assets Project

Global Assets Project

Global Asset Building

Our collaboration with the New America Foundation’s Asset Building Program seeks to inform and promote development of asset-building policies and programs worldwide. 

Global Service Learning Research

Global Service Learning Research

International Service

Led by the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship at Haverford College, we surveyed students from multiple institutions of higher education who participated in global service learning.  

HomeGrown StL

HomeGrown StL

Youth Development

HomeGrown StL’s research focuses on building capacity in St. Louis City and County to better serve and foster the positive development of young black males ages 12 to 29.

Hong Kong: Child Development Fund

Hong Kong: Child Development Fund

Global Asset Building

We provided policy and research design support to the government of Hong Kong as it developed a proposal for a national Child Development Fund. 

Hungary and Slovakia: Matched Savings Initiatives

Hungary and Slovakia: Matched Savings Initiatives

Global Asset Building

Our pilot programs focused on the rural poor with the goal of encouraging low-income families to save for assets for a better life.

I Can Save

I Can Save

Financial Capability

We research how financial education and saving affect student’s financial literacy, academic engagement and plans for college. 

Impact of Service of National Youth Service Volunteers in Israel

Impact of Service of National Youth Service Volunteers in Israel

Community and National Service

We study the impact of the service experience on participants in two programs for voluntary national service in Israel. 

Impacts of International Service

Impacts of International Service

International Service

Our project determines which features of voluntary service have the greatest impact on volunteers, host organizations, and community outcomes in Peru and Costa Rica. 

Impacts of International Service on European Volunteers and Host Communities in Africa

Impacts of International Service on European Volunteers and Host Communities in Africa

International Service

Our partnership with Volunteer Organization and Service Enquiry Southern Africa examines the impact of international service in South Africa, Mozambique and Tanzania. 

In Between Occupational Work & Volunteer Work: Serving as a Teacher in France & in the U.S.

In Between Occupational Work & Volunteer Work: Serving as a Teacher in France & in the U.S.

Community and National Service

We compare American youth service programs City Year and Teach for America with French programs Unis Cite and AFEV. 

Inclusion in 529 Savings Plans: Evidence from Maine

Inclusion in 529 Savings Plans: Evidence from Maine

Asset Building

The first statewide Child Development Account (CDA) in the U.S., Maine’s Harold Alfond College Challenge, stands as a shining example of universal and progressive accounts at birth. We study the College Challenge and document this CDA’s evolution.

Inclusion in Asset Building: Research and Policy Symposium

Inclusion in Asset Building: Research and Policy Symposium

Asset Building

We held a research and policy symposium on knowledge foundations and policy strategies to enable low-wealth individuals to build assets.

Inclusive Housing

Inclusive Housing

Inclusive Housing

How can policies be overhauled to build a more equitable and inclusive society? How can communities engage to implement an anti-segregation agenda? Our work in inclusive housing is tackling these challenges.

Increasing Student Retention in Forest Park Community College

Increasing Student Retention in Forest Park Community College

Building Youth Resilience

We test whether a brief social belonging intervention will increase retention rates at a community college.

Indonesia: Asset-Based Policy Development

Indonesia: Asset-Based Policy Development

Global Asset Building

With the Indonesian Ministry of Social Welfare and State Islamic University, we designed an asset-based pilot to be implemented in poor areas of Indonesia.

Innovation Research in Deferred Prosecution

Innovation Research in Deferred Prosecution

Smart Decarceration

We advance “deferred prosecution” programs. People charged with certain offenses can be diverted from traditional court proceedings and possibly avoid incarceration. 

Institutional Capacity for Older Adult Engagement in Service

Institutional Capacity for Older Adult Engagement in Service

Productive Aging

Our project identified factors that discourage or encourage older adults in voluntary service to society through 22 organizations in the St. Louis metropolitan area.

International Service as Alternative Diplomacy

International Service as Alternative Diplomacy

International Service

In collaboration with researchers at the University of Ottawa and the University of Technology Sydney, we investigate volunteering as a pathway to more effective foreign aid development policy, exploring how international volunteers engage in alternative public diplomacy roles.

International Service in the Context of Higher Education

International Service in the Context of Higher Education

International Service

We aim to advance knowledge and practice of international service in the context of higher education through summits and collaborations. 

International Voluntary Service for Development

International Voluntary Service for Development

International Service

CSD is leading a global research agenda to study volunteerism as a strategy for meeting global sustainable development goals.

Israel: Asset Building Policy and Child Development Accounts

Israel: Asset Building Policy and Child Development Accounts

Global Asset Building

We work with the Israeli government to develop an asset-building policy of national Child Development Accounts. 

K-12 Service Learning in Argentina Schools

K-12 Service Learning in Argentina Schools

Community and National Service

We explore the general characteristics of schools in Argentina that run service-learning programs.

Kenya: Asset Building and Investment

Kenya: Asset Building and Investment

Global Asset Building

Our project enables families to save and make investments in the Nairobi Stock Exchange in Kenya. 

Livable Lives Initiative

Livable Lives Initiative

Livable Lives

This initiative investigates what social conditions and policy supports can make life with a low or moderate income stable, secure, satisfying and successful.

Management Information System for IDAs (MIS IDA)

Management Information System for IDAs (MIS IDA)

Asset Building

We created a tool for the American Dream Policy Demonstration to track demographics and savings of low-income individuals participating in a matched savings program. 

Measuring Effectiveness of Civic Participation at the University Level in Turkey: A Case Study of the Civic Involvement Project at Sabanci University

Measuring Effectiveness of Civic Participation at the University Level in Turkey: A Case Study of the Civic Involvement Project at Sabanci University

Community and National Service

We study the impact of the service experience on participants in two programs for voluntary national service in Israel. 

Measuring the Institutional Determinants of Volunteering by Older Adults

Measuring the Institutional Determinants of Volunteering by Older Adults

Productive Aging

We explore the language, measurement tools and impetus for a broader and more balanced discussion of elder volunteerism and service.



Global Asset Building

We focused on credit scoring for microfinance and poverty scoring to improve access for the poor to formal financial services. 

Native Assets

Native Assets

Asset Building

Our research examines the effectiveness of asset-building policies in Native communities and seeks to inform policy design to make inclusive asset-building policies. 

Native VITA Sites: Linking Tax Returns and Asset Building Strategies

Native VITA Sites: Linking Tax Returns and Asset Building Strategies

Asset Building

Our project with the Kathryn M. Buder Center for American Indian Studies examines the uptake and potential uses of Earned Income Tax Credit dollars by Native people. 

North American Community Service (NACS)

North American Community Service (NACS)

International service

We evaluated a pilot project in transnational youth service and its impacts involving Mexican, Canadian, and U.S. youth.

Older Adults in Service to Society

Older Adults in Service to Society

Productive Aging

We develop a measurement tool to assess institutional capacity to engage older volunteers and collect data on volunteer programs and older adult volunteers.

Older Adults in Uruguay: Volunteer Work and Civic Service Actors

Older Adults in Uruguay: Volunteer Work and Civic Service Actors

Productive Aging

We investigate the characteristics of civic service programs in Uruguay that most effectively recruit and retain older adults.

Pagedale Development Project

Pagedale Development Project

Community Engagement

We designed an initiative to develop an integrated “equity” framework for community development to inform constituencies about effective redevelopment of a neighborhood.

Peru and Colombia: Asset Building Initiatives

Peru and Colombia: Asset Building Initiatives

Global Asset Building

We provide policy and research design support to nongovernmental organizations in Peru and Colombia as they develop three asset-based poverty alleviation initiatives. 

Policy and Housing Opportunity

Policy and Housing Opportunity

An initiative to broaden equitable access to housing in the St. Louis region

The Policy and Housing Opportunity initiative is a collaboration between students of CSD’s Dr. Molly Metzger and community partners in the St. Louis region. The initiative is designed to broaden housing opportunity in metropolitan St. Louis and particularly in the region’s majority-white, inner-ring suburbs.

Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households

Poor Finances: Assets and Low-Income Households

Asset Building

Our project with the Urban Institute evaluates studies of asset building among low-income households for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

Productive Aging in China

Productive Aging in China

Productive Aging

China’s growing older population includes many who are healthy and who want to be engaged. Their contributions are crucial for China’s social and economic development.

Productive Engagement of Older Adults: Effects on Well-being

Productive Engagement of Older Adults: Effects on Well-being

Productive Aging

We analyze the level of engagement of older adults in productive activities and their impact on the adults’ physical and mental health.

Promoting Behavioral Health Within Communities to Reduce Criminal Justice Involvement

Promoting Behavioral Health Within Communities to Reduce Criminal Justice Involvement

Smart Decarceration

We engage with community partners in developing a social capacity framework to promote behavioral health for people involved in the criminal justice system.

Race and Opportunity Lab

Race and Opportunity Lab

Youth Development

We examine race, opportunity and social mobility with an emphasis on informing policies and interventions to reduce inequality in adolescents’ transition to adulthood.

Re-entry Community Linkages

Re-entry Community Linkages

Smart Decarceration

We partner with St. Louis Integrated Health Network, City of St. Louis and others to improve health outcomes for minorities in transition from jail to communities.

Redevelopment Opportunities for Women Economic Action Program

Redevelopment Opportunities for Women Economic Action Program

Financial Capability

We assess REAP and explore the role of financial and economic factors in domestic violence for low-income battered women in the St. Louis region.

Refund to Savings (R2S)

Refund to Savings (R2S)

Financial Behaviors

The Refund to Savings experiment measures the effect of interventions informed by behavioral economics that seek to increase saving at tax time.

SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK)

SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK)

Asset Building

The SEED OK experiment, which began in 2007, is a large-scale policy test of universal, automatic, and progressive Child Development Accounts. The CDA uses the Oklahoma 529 College Savings Plan platform.

SEED National Initiative

SEED National Initiative

Asset Building

We test asset-building accounts for children and youth to create an inclusive system of Child Development Accounts in 12 communities across the U.S. SEED included more than 1,200 low-income children and their families.



Global Asset Building

We worked with local researchers to implement and test an asset-building intervention with orphaned children at seven primary schools in the Rakai district. 

Self Employment Learning Project (SELP)

Self Employment Learning Project (SELP)

Asset Building

We examine economic well-being outcomes among low-income individuals who took part in one of seven microenterprise assistance programs in the U.S. 

Service and Volunteering in Five Southern African Countries

Service and Volunteering in Five Southern African Countries

Community and National Service

We analyze civic service and volunteering initiatives in five Southern African countries and examined their implications for social development in the region.

Service Learning in Middle School

Service Learning in Middle School

Community and National Service

We examine the effects of embedding a yearlong service learning program into existing school curricula for students in a middle school setting. 

Service with Older Adults

Service with Older Adults

Productive Aging

Our research investigates the impacts of service on the health and well-being of older adult volunteers and their potential to address critical social development needs.

Singapore: Post-Secondary Education Account Policy

Singapore: Post-Secondary Education Account Policy

Global Asset Building

The policy set up an account for every Singaporean ages 7 to 20. It is one of three asset-building programs that create a cradle-to-grave asset-building system for all.  

Smart Decarceration

Smart Decarceration

Social Justice

We build social capacity to reduce incarceration rates in ways that are effective, sustainable and socially just. This requires major shifts in the criminal justice system. 

Social Innovation and Civic Engagement in Higher Education

Social Innovation and Civic Engagement in Higher Education

Community and National Service

Washington University and Duke University held a think tank about the relationship between social innovation and civic engagement in higher education.

Social Innovations in the Voluntary Sector

Social Innovations in the Voluntary Sector

International Service

We investigate social innovations in the voluntary sector at the intersection of nonprofits and social enterprises

South Korea: Asset-Based Policy Development

South Korea: Asset-Based Policy Development

Global Asset Building

We provide policy and research design support to the government of South Korea as it develops and implements programs that focus on social investment.