Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Food Insufficiency: Evidence From a Statewide Probability Sample
Nam, Y., Huang, J., Heflin, C. M., & Sherraden, M. (2015). Racial and ethnic disparities in food insufficiency: Evidence from a statewide probability sample. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 6(2), 201–228. doi:10.1086/681574
Racial Discrimination, John Henryism, and Depression Among African Americans
Hudson, D. L., Neighbors, H. W., Geronimus, A. T., & Jackson, J. S. (2015). Racial discrimination, John Henryism, and depression among African Americans. Journal of Black Psychology, 42(3), 221–243. doi:10.1177/0095798414567757
Financial Education and Savings Outcomes for Low-Income IDA Participants: Does Age Make a Difference?
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Guo, S., Reinertson, V., & Russell, B. (2015). Financial education and savings outcomes for low-income IDA participants: Does age make a difference? Journal of Consumer Affairs, 49(1), 156–185. doi:10.1111/joca.12061
Financial Capability and Asset Accumulation for Children’s Education: Evidence From an Experiment of Child Development Accounts
Huang, J., Nam, Y., Sherraden, M., & Clancy, M. (2015). Financial capability and asset accumulation for children’s education: Evidence from an experiment of Child Development Accounts. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 49(1),127–155. doi:10.1111/joca.12054
Material Hardship and 529 College Savings Plan Participation: The Mitigating Effects of Child Development Accounts
Wikoff, N., Huang, J., Kim, Y., & Sherraden, M. (2015). Material hardship and 529 college savings plan participation: The mitigating effects of Child Development Accounts. Social Science Research, 50, 189–202. doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2014.11.017
Articles & Special Issues, Community and National Service, Democracy and Civic Engagement, Social Innovation Partnerships
Social Workers Shaping Welfare Policy in South Africa: The White Paper for Social Welfare and Lessons for Policy Practice
Patel, L. (2014, April). Social workers shaping welfare policy in South Africa: The white paper for social welfare and lessons for policy practice (CSD Perspective No. 14-23). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Using Self-Regulated Learning to Increase Native American College Retention
Patterson, D. A., Ahuna, K. H., Tinnesz, C .G., & Van Zile-Tamsen, C. (2014). Using self-regulated learning to increase Native American college retention. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 16(2), 219–237. doi:10.2190/CS.16.2.d
What Shapes Assessment of Ability to Pay for Children’s College Education?
Kim, Y., Huang, J., & Sherraden, M. (2014). What shapes assessment of ability to pay for children’s college education? Journal of Consumer Affairs, 48(3), 486–514. doi:10.1111/joca.12049
Testing a Measurement Model of Financial Capability Among Youth in Ghana
Despard, M. R., & Chowa, G. (2014). Testing a measurement model of financial capability among youth in Ghana. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 48(2), 301–322. doi: 10.1111/joca.12031
Impacts of Child Development Accounts on Maternal Depressive Symptoms: Evidence From a Randomized Statewide Policy Experiment
Huang, J., Sherraden, M., & Purnell, J. (2014). Impacts of Child Development Accounts on maternal depressive symptoms: Evidence from a randomized statewide policy experiment. Social Science & Medicine, 112, 30–38. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.04.023
Examining Relationships Between Household Resources and Water Security in an Urban Philippine Community
Mason, L. R. (2014). Examining relationships between household resources and water security in an urban Philippine community. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 5(4), 489-512. doi:10.1086/678923
The Influence of Parental Financial Socialization on Youth’s Financial Behavior: Evidence From Ghana
Chowa, G. A. N., & Despard, M. R. (2013). The influence of parental financial socialization on youth’s financial behavior: Evidence from Ghana. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 35(3), 376–389. doi:10.1007/s10834-013-9377-9
Effects of Child Development Accounts on Early Social-Emotional Development: An Experimental Test
Huang, J., Sherraden, M., Kim, Y., & Clancy, M. (2014). Effects of Child Development Accounts on early social-emotional development: An experimental test. JAMA Pediatrics, 168(3), 265–271. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.4643
A Comparison of Self-Reported Physical Health and Health Conditions of American Indian/Alaskan Natives to Other College Students
Patterson, D. A., VanZile-Tamsen, C., Black, J., Billiot, S., & Tovar, M. (2013). A comparison of self-reported physical health and health conditions of American Indian/Alaskan Natives to other college students. Journal of Community Health, 38(6), 1090–1097. doi:10.1007/s10900-013-9718-5
Race, Life Course Socioeconomic Position, Racial Discrimination, Depressive Symptoms and Self-Rated Health
Hudson, D. L., Puterman, E., Adler, N. E, Bibbins-Domingo, K., & Matthews, K. (2013). Race, life course socioeconomic position, racial discrimination, depressive symptoms and self-rated health. Social Science & Medicine, 97, 7–14. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.07.031
Special Issue | Lifelong Asset Building
Sherraden, M., Zou, L., Deng, S., Ku, H. B., & Wang, S. (Eds.). (2013). Lifelong asset building [Special issue]. China Journal of Social Work, 6(2).
Students Serving Abroad: A Framework for Inquiry
Sherraden, M. S., Bopp, A., & Lough, B. J. (2013). Students serving abroad: A framework for inquiry. Journal of Higher Education Outreach & Engagement, 17(2), 7–42.
From the Guest Editors’ Desk
Mlyn, E., & McBride, A. M. (2013). From the guest editors’ desk. Journal of Higher Education Outreach & Engagement, 17(2), 1–4.
Special issue on international service and higher education
Mlyn, E., & McBride, A. M. (Eds.). (2013). Special issue on international service and higher education. Journal of Higher Education Outreach & Engagement, 17(2).
Introduction to the Special Issue on Lifelong Asset Building
Sherraden, M., Zou, L., Deng, S., Ku, H. B., & Wang, S. (2013). Introduction to the special issue on lifelong asset building. China Journal of Social Work, 6(2), 101–103. doi:10.1080/17525098.2013.797363
A Comparative Study on Asset-Building Policy Diffusion in Korea and Taiwan
Zou, L., Cheng, L.-C., Lee, E., Teyra, C., Chen, C., & Song, S, S, (2013). A comparative study on asset-building policy diffusion in Korea and Taiwan. China Journal of Social Work, 6(2), 149–162. doi:10.1080/17525098.2013.797364
Asset Poverty and Happiness in Urban China
Huang, J. (2013). Asset poverty and happiness in urban China. China Journal of Social Work, 6(2), 163–176. doi:10.1080/17525098.2013.797361
The Hutubi Model: What Have We Learned?
Guo, B., Guo, X., & Zou, L. (2013). The Hutubi Model: What have we learned? China Journal of Social Work, 6(2), 118–126. doi:10.1080/17525098.2013.797362
African American Adolescents Academic Persistence: A Strengths-Based Approach
Butler-Barnes, S. T., Chavous, T. M., Hurd, N., & Varner, F. (2013). African American adolescents academic persistence: A strengths-based approach. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(9), 1443–1458. doi:10.1007/s10964-013-9962-0
Differences in the Clinical Recognition of Depression in Diabetes Patients: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (Distance)
Hudson, D. L., Karter, A. J., Fernandez, A., Adams, A. S., Zhou, J, & Adler, N. E. (2013). Differences in the clinical recognition of depression in diabetes patients: The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE). American Journal of Managed Care, 19(5), 344-352.
The Colonial Legacy of International Voluntary Service
Perold, H., Graham, L. A., Mavungu, E. M., Cronin, K., Muchemwa, L., & Lough, B. J. (2013). The colonial legacy of international voluntary service. Community Development Journal, 48(2), 179–196. doi:10.1093/cdj/bss037
Assets and educational achievement: Theory and evidence [Introduction to the special issue]
Elliott, W., III, & Sherraden, M. (2013). Assets and educational achievement: Theory and evidence [Introduction to the special issue]. Economics of Education Review, 33, 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.econedurev.2013.01.004
Special Issue | Assets and Educational Attainment: Theory and Evidence
Elliott, W., III, & Sherraden, M. (Eds.). (2013). Assets and educational attainment: Theory and evidence [Special issue]. Economics of Education Review, 33.
“White Box” Epidemiology and the Social Neuroscience of Health Behavior Change: The Environmental Affordances Model
Mezuk, B., Abdou, C. M., Hudson, D. L., Kershaw, K. N., Rafferty, J. A., Lee, H., & Jackson, J. S. (2013). “White box” epidemiology and the social neuroscience of health behaviors: The Environmental Affordances Model. Society and Mental Health, 3(2), 79–95. doi:10.1177/2156869313480892
Are Benefits Conferred With Greater Socioeconomic Position Undermined by Racial Discrimination Among African American Men?
Hudson, D. L., Bullard, K. M., Neighbors, H. W., Geronimus, A. T., Yang, J., & Jackson, J. S. (2012). Are benefits conferred with greater socioeconomic position undermined by racial discrimination among African American men? Journal of Men’s Health, 9(2), 127–136. doi:10.1016/j.jomh.2012.03.006
Racial Pride and Religiosity Among African American Boys: Implications for Academic Motivation and Achievement
Butler-Barnes, S. T., Williams, T., & Chavous, T. M. (2012). Racial pride and religiosity among African American boys: Implications for academic motivation and achievement. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 41(4), 486–498. doi:10.1007/s10964-011-9675-1
The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Position and Depression Among a US Nationally Representative Sample of African Americans
Hudson, D. L., Neighbors, H. W., Geronimus, A. T., & Jackson, J. S. (2012). The Relationship between socioeconomic position and depression among a US nationally representative sample of African Americans. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 47(3), 373–381. doi:10.1007/s00127-011-0348-x
Page Avenue Health Impact Assessment: Building on Diverse Partnerships and Evidence to Promote a Healthy Community
Hoehner, C. M., Rios, J., Garmendia, C., Baldwin, S., Kelly, C. M., Knights, D. M., McClendon, G. G. & Tranel, M. (2012). Page Avenue health impact assessment: building on diverse partnerships and evidence to promote a healthy community. Health & Place, 18(1), 85–95. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2011.07.005
Broad and Deep: The Extensive Learning Agenda in YouthSave
Center for Social Development. (2011). Broad and deep: The extensive learning agenda in YouthSave [Report]. St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Exposure to Violence and Achievement Motivation Beliefs: Moderating Roles of Cultural-Ecological Factors
Butler-Barnes, S. T., Chavous, T. M., & Zimmerman, M. (2011). Exposure to violence and achievement motivation beliefs: Moderating roles of cultural-ecological factors. Race and Social Problems, 3(2), 75–91. doi:10.1007/s12552-011-9044-4
International Volunteerism in Asia
Brassard, C., Sherraden, M. S., & Lough, B. J. (2011, February). International volunteerism in Asia. Humaneity Magazine, 37–39.
Reconsidering the Role of Social Disadvantage in Physical and Mental Health: Stressful Life Events, Health Behaviors, Race, and Depression
Mezuk, B., Kershaw, K., Rafferty, J., Hudson, D., Abdou, C., Lee, H., Eaton, W., & Jackson, J. (2010). Reconsidering the role of social disadvantage in physical and mental health: Stressful life events, health behaviors, race, and depression. American Journal of Epidemiology, 172(11), 1238–1249. doi:10.1093/aje/kwq283
The Effect of the Experience Corps® Program on Student Reading Outcomes
Lee, Y. S., Morrow-Howell, N., Jonson-Reid, M., & McCrary, S. (2010). The effect of the Experience Corps® Program on student reading outcomes. Education and Urban Society, 44(1), 97–118. doi:10.1177/0013124510381262
Examining the Effects of New York Experience Corps® Program on Young Readers Literacy
Gattis, M. N. , Morrow-Howell, N., McCrary, S., Lee, M., Jonson-Reid, M., McCoy, H., Tamar, K., Molina, A., & Invernizzi, M. (2010). Examining the effects of New York Experience Corps® program on young readers literacy. Research and Instruction, 49(4), 299–314. doi:10.1080/19388070903117948
Perspective From the Left: Childrens Savings Accounts, Mobility, and Inequality
Bernstein, J. (2010). Perspective from the left: Children’s saving accounts, mobility, and inequality. Children & Youth Services Review, 32(11), 1597–1600. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.04.003
Research on Assets for Children and Youth: Reflections on the Past and Prospects for the Future
Adams, D., Nam, Y., Williams Shanks, T. R., Hicks, S., & Robinson, C. (2010). Research on assets for children and youth: Reflections on the past and prospects for the future. Children & Youth Services Review, 32(11), 1617–1621. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.04.002
Testing a New Policy Concept: Editors’ Introduction and Acknowledgements
Sherraden, M., Kim, Y., & Loke, V. (2010). Testing a new policy concept: Editors’ introduction and acknowledgements. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(11), 1487. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.04.012
Policy Context for CDAs Over the Next 20 Years
Steuerle, E. (2010). Policy context for CDAs over the next 20 years. Children & Youth Services Review, 32(11), 1605–1608. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.04.004
Special Issue | Child Development Accounts: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Potential
Sherraden, M., Kim, Y., & Loke, V. (Eds.). (2010). Child Development Accounts: Theory, evidence, and policy potential [Special issue]. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(11).
Perspective From the Right: Building a Cross-Ideological Consensus for Child Development Accounts
John, D. C. (2010). Perspective from the right: Building a cross-ideological consensus for Child Development Accounts. Children & Youth Services Review, 32(11), 1601–1604. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.04.006
CDA Legislative Challenges and Opportunities
Goldberg, F. T., Jr., Friedman, B., & Boshara, R. (2010). CDA legislative challenges and opportunities. Children & Youth Services Review, 32(11), 1609–1616. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.04.005
Youth Volunteer Service as Positive Youth Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
McBride, A. M., Johnson, E., Olate, R., & O Hara, K. (2011). Youth volunteer service as positive youth development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Children & Youth Services Review, 33(1), 34–41. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2010.08.009
Productive Ageing Is Likely to Become a Major Policy Discussion in China
Sherraden, M. (2010). Productive ageing is likely to become a major policy discussion in China [Foreword]. China Journal of Social Work, 3(2–3), 101–105. doi:10.1080/17525098.2010.492632
Special Issue | Productive Ageing and China: Perspectives from East Asia and Abroad
Morrow-Howell, N., & Mui, A. C. (Eds.). (2010). Productive ageing and China: Perspectives from East Asia and abroad [Special issue]. China Journal of Social Work, 3(2–3).
Productive Engagement of Older Americans
Morrow-Howell, N., & Greenfield, J. C. (2010). Productive engagement of older Americans. China Journal of Social Work, 3(2–3), 153–164. doi:10.1080/17525098.2010.492637
Cross-Cultural, Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Maximizing Productive Engagement of the Ageing Population
Morrow-Howell, N., & Mui, A. C. (2010). Cross-cultural, multidisciplinary perspectives on maximizing productive engagement of the ageing population [Editorial]. China Journal of Social Work, 3(2–3), 107–109. doi:10.1080/17525098.2010.492633
Productive Ageing in China: A Human Capital Perspective
Mui, A. C. (2010). Productive ageing in China: A human capital perspective. China Journal of Social Work, 3(2–3), 111–123. doi:/10.1080/17525098.2010.492634
The Basics of Progressive 529s
Boshara, R., Clancy, M., Newville, D., & Sherraden, M. (2009). The basics of progressive 529s. St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development, and New America Foundation.
Underachievement and Success of African American Males in School Settings: Integrating Critical Race and Ecological Perspectives
Martin, P., Leach, M., Bowles, T., Manesh, A., Adkins, L., & Butler-Barnes, S. T. (2009). Underachievement and success of African American males in school settings: Integrating critical race and ecological perspectives. Journal of Minority Issues and Economic Development, 48–71.
Youth Service in Comparative Perspective
McBride, A. M. (Ed.). (2009). Youth service in comparative perspective (CSD Monograph No. 09-04). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Post-Graduation Service and Civic Outcomes for High Financial Need Students of a Multi-Campus, Co-Curricular Service-Learning College Program
Keen, C., & Hall, K. (2008) Post-graduation service and civic outcomes for high financial need students of a multi-campus, co-curricular service-learning college program. Journal of College and Character, 10(2). doi:10.2202/1940-1639.1066
Age Differences in IDA Savings Outcomes: Findings From the American Dream Demonstration
Putnam, M., Sherraden, M., Zhang, L., & Morrow-Howell, N. (2008). Age differences in IDA savings outcomes: Findings from the American Dream Demonstration. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 20(1), 45–64. doi:10.1300/J031v20n01_03
Impacts of International Volunteering and Service: Individual and Institutional Predictors
Sherraden, M. S., Lough, B., & McBride, A. M. (2008). Effects of international volunteering and service: Individual and institutional predictors. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 19(4), 395-421. doi:10.1007/s11266-008-9072-x
Faith-Based Institutions as Project Implementers: An Innovative Economic Empowerment Intervention for Care and Support of Aids-Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in Rural Uganda
Ssewamala, F., & Ismayilova, L. (2008). Faith-based institutions as project implementers: An innovative economic empowerment intervention for care and support of AIDS-orphaned and vulnerable children in rural Uganda. In P. Joshi, S. Hawkins, & J. Novey (Eds.), Innovations in effective compassion: Compendium of research papers for the White House FBO Conference (pp. 213–235). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
From Financial Literacy to Financial Capability Among Youth
Johnson, E., & Sherraden, M. S. (2006). From financial literacy to financial capability among youth. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 34(3), 119–145.
Substance Use and Academic Performance Among African American High School Students
Williams, J. H., Davis, L. E., Johnson, S. D., Williams Shanks, T. R., Saunders, J. A., & Nebbitt, V. E. (2007). Substance use and academic performance among African American high school students. Social Work Research, 31(3), 151–161. doi:10.1093/swr/31.3.151
Measuring Effectiveness of Civic Participation at the University Level in Turkey: A Case Study of the Civic Involvement Project at Sabanci University
Hopkins, T. (2007). Measuring effectiveness of civic participation at the university level in Turkey: A case study of the Civic Involvement Project at Sabanci University (CSD Executive Summary). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Building Financial Bridges to Economic Development and Community Integration: Recommendations for a Research Agenda on Asset Development for People With Disabilities
Putnam, M., Sherraden, M., Edwards, K., Porterfield, S., Wittenburg, D., Holden, K., & Saleeby, P. W. (2005). Building financial bridges to economic development and community integration: Recommendations for a research agenda on asset development for people with disabilities. Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation, 4(3), 61–86. doi:10.1300/J198v04n03_06
Academic Self-Efficacy Among African American Youth: Implications for School Social Work Practice
Jonson-Reid, M., Davis, L., Saunders, J., Williams, T., & Williams, J. H. (2005). Academic self-efficacy among African American youth: Implications for school social work practice. Children and Schools, 27(1), 5–14. doi:10.1093/cs/27.1.5
Civic Service in Sub-Saharan Africa
Patel, L., & Wilson. T. (2004). Civic service in sub-Saharan Africa. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 33(4, Suppl.), 22S–38S. doi:10.1177/0899764004269741
Civic Service Worldwide: Defining a Field, Building a Knowledge Base
McBride, A. M., Sherraden, M., Benítez, C., & Johnson, E. (2004). Civic service worldwide: Defining a field, building a knowledge base. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 33(4, Suppl.), 8S–21S. doi:10.1177/0899764004269746
Toward a Global Research Agenda on Civic Service: Editors’ Introduction to This Special Issue
McBride, A. M., & Sherraden, M. (2004). Toward a global research agenda on civic service: Editors’ introduction to this special issue. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 33(4, Suppl.), 3S–7S. doi:10.1177/0899764004269745
Special Issue | Toward a Global Research Agenda on Civic Service
McBride, A. M., & Sherraden, M. (Eds.). (2004). Toward a global research agenda on civic service [Special issue]. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 33(4, Suppl.).
Policy Lessons from Children’s Allowances for Children’s Savings Accounts
Curley, J., & Sherraden, M. (2000). Policy lessons from children’s allowances for children’s savings accounts. Child Welfare, 79(6), 661–687.
Special Issue | Community Economic Development and Social Work
Sherraden, M. S., & Ninacs, W. A. (Eds.). (1998). Community economic development and social work [Special issue]. Journal of Community Practice, 5(1/2).
Low-Income Homeownership Policy as a Community Development Strategy
Scanlon, E. (1998). Low-income homeownership policy as a community development strategy. Journal of Community Practice, 5(1/2), 137–154. doi:10.1300/J125v05n01_09
Introduction: Community Economic Development and Social Work
Sherraden, M. S., & Ninacs, W. A. (1998). Introduction: Community economic development and social work. Journal of Community Practice, 5(1/2), 1–9. doi:10.1300/J125v05n01_01