Estimating the Economic Cost of Childhood Poverty in the United States
McLaughlin, M., & Rank, M. R. (2018). Estimating the economic cost of childhood poverty in the United States. Social Work Research, 42(2), 73–83. doi:10.1093/swr/svy007
We Have Clean Water and Clean Air: Why Not Clean Finance, Too? A Vision for Inclusion and Equity
Huang, J., Sherraden, M., & Sherraden, M. S. (2021). We have clean water and clean air: Why not clean finance, too? A vision for inclusion and equity. In R. Boshara & I. Rademacher (Eds.), The future of building wealth: Brief essays on the best ideas to build wealth—for everyone (pp. 83–89). Federal Reserve Bank and Aspen Institute.
Human Service Professionals: A Ready Workforce for Financial Capability
Sherraden, M. S., Huang, J., & Jones, J. L. (2021). Human service professionals: A ready workforce for financial capability. In R. Boshara & I. Rademacher (Eds.), The future of building wealth: Brief essays on the best ideas to build wealth—for everyone (pp. 193–199). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & Aspen Institute.
Transforming 529 College Savings Plans: Grow Assets for Everyone, Grow the Country
Sherraden, M., & Clancy, M. M. (2021). Transforming 529 college savings plans: grow assets for everyone, grow the country. In R. Boshara & I. Rademacher (Eds.), The future of building wealth: Brief essays on the best ideas to build wealth—for everyone (pp. 251–257). Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & Aspen Institute.
The Well-Being Development Model: A Theoretical Model to Improve Outcomes among Criminal Justice System–Involved Individuals
Pettus, C., Veeh, C. A., Renn, T. R., & Kennedy, S. C. (2021). The Well-Being Development Model: A theoretical model to improve outcomes among criminal justice system–involved individuals. Social Service Review, 95(2), 413–468.
Asset Building: Toward Inclusive Policy
Sherraden, M., Johnson, L., Clancy, M. M., Beverly, S. G., Sherraden, M. S., Schreiner, M., Elliott, W., III, Williams Shanks, T. R., Adams, D., Curley, J., Huang, J., Grinstein-Weiss, M., Nam, Y., Zhan, M., & Han, C. K. (2021, September 29). Asset building: Toward inclusive policy. In C. Franklin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of social work.
A Policy Mapping Analysis of Goals Related to Bank Accounts in Federal Legislative Proposals
Birkenmaier, J. M. & Janssen, A. (2021). A policy mapping analysis of goals related to bank accounts in federal legislative proposals. Journal of Policy Practice and Research, 3, 96–117.
International Development Volunteering as Alternative Public Diplomacy
Tiessen, R., & Lough, B. J. (2021). International development volunteering as alternative public diplomacy. In H. Zafarullah & A. S. Huque (Eds.), Handbook of Development Policy (pp 283–293). Edward Elgar.
Leadership for Volunteering: The COVID-19 Experience
Mati, J. M., Allum, C., Perold, H., Lough, B. J., Tiessen R. (2021). Leadership for volunteering: The COVID-19 experience [Report]. International Association for Volunteer Effort International.
The Case for a Nationwide Child Development Account Policy: A Policy Brief Developed by CDA Experts and Researchers
Cisneros, J., Clancy, M. M., Elliott, W., III, Feinstein, A., Kanter, M., Karcher-Ramos, M., Kugler, C., Peachey, J., Quint, C., Shapiro, T. M., & Sherraden, M. (2021, August). The case for a nationwide Child Development Account policy: A policy brief developed by CDA experts and researchers (CSD Policy Brief No. 21-20). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Redesigning College Savings (529) Plans to Achieve Inclusive Child Development Accounts: A Policy Brief Developed by CDA Experts and Researchers
Cisneros, J., Clancy, M. M., Elliott, W., III, Feinstein, A., Kanter, M., Karcher-Ramos, M., Kugler, C., Peachey, J., Quint, C., Shapiro, T. M., & Sherraden, M. (2021, August). Redesigning college savings (529) plans to achieve inclusive Child Development Accounts: A policy brief developed by CDA experts and researchers (CSD Policy Brief No. 21-21). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Keeping Each Other Safe: Who Checks on Their Neighbors During Weather Extremes in Summer and Winter?
Mason, L. R., & Ekenga, C. C. (2021). Keeping each other safe: Who checks on their neighbors during weather extremes in summer and winter? Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness.
Brief Report: Health Expenditures for Children with Autism and Family Financial Well-Being in China
Zhou, L., Wang, J., & Huang, J. (2021). Brief report: Health expenditures for children with autism and family financial well-being in China. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Reflections of a Central Bank Governor
Addison, E. (2021, July). Reflections of a central bank governor (CSD Perspective No. 21-18). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
FCAB Africa: Advancing Financial Stability, Security, and Well-Being
Center for Social Development. (2021, July). FCAB Africa: Advancing financial stability, security, and well-being (CSD Fact Sheet No. 21-12). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
FCAB Africa: Summary of Achievements as of July 2021
Center for Social Development. (2021, July). FCAB Africa: Summary of achievements as of July 2021 (CSD Fact Sheet No. 21-13). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Asset Building and Child Development: A Policy Model for Inclusive Child Development Accounts
Huang, J., Sherraden, M., Clancy, M. M., Beverly, S. G., Shanks, T. R., & Kim, Y. (2021). Asset building and child development: A policy model for inclusive Child Development Accounts. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 7(3), 176–195.
Lessons on Policies That Strengthen Household Financial Resilience to Overcome Shocks: A Keynote Address by Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President of the Republic of Ghana
Bawumia, M. (2021, July). Lessons on policies that strengthen household financial resilience to overcome shocks: A keynote address by Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President of the Republic of Ghana (CSD Perspective No. 21-17). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Teaching Note—Course Models for Increased Competency for Practice Integrated With Financial Capability and Asset Building
Birkenmaier, J., Lane, L. B. Callahan, C.,, & Hageman, S. A. (2021). Teaching note—Course models for increased competency for practice integrated with financial capability and asset building. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(3), 604–611.
Articles & Special Issues, Community and National Service, Democracy and Civic Engagement, Featured Pub, Voter Access and Engagement
Voting Infrastructure and Process: Another Form of Voter Suppression?
Pitzer, K. McClendon, G. G., & Sherraden, M. (2021). Voting infrastructure and process: Another form of voter suppression? Social Service Review, 95(2), 175–209.
Experimental Effects of Child Development Accounts on Financial Capability of Young Mothers
Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., Sherraden, M., & Johnson, L. (2021). Experimental effects of Child Development Accounts on financial capability of young mothers. Journal of Family & Economic Issues, 43,36–50.
Financial Capability and Asset Building: Achievements, Challenges, and Next Steps
Johnson, L., Sherraden, M. S., McClendon, G., Birkenmaier, J., Frey, J., Callahan, C., Huang, J., & Rothwell, D. (2021). Financial Capability and Asset Building: Achievements, challenges, and next steps (CSD Conference Report No. 21-11). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Determinants of Serving a Mission: Senior Volunteering Among Latter-Day Saints
Heist, Daniel H., Cnaan, Ram A., & Lough, Benjamin J. (2021). Determinants of serving a mission: Senior volunteering among Latter-day Saints. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 13(2), 147–159.
Scholar/Practitioner Research in International Development Volunteering: Benefits, Challenges and Future Opportunities
Tiessen, R., Cadesky, J., Lough, B. J., Delaney, J. (2021). Scholar/practitioner research in international development volunteering: benefits, challenges and future opportunities. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 42(3), 394–415.
Building Financial Capability and Assets for Disadvantaged Entrepreneurs
Huang, J., & Guo, B. (2021, April). Building financial capability and assets for disadvantaged entrepreneurs (CSD Research Brief No. 21-10). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Fostering Entrepreneurship among Low-Income Individuals through Financial Capability
Huang, J., & Guo, B. (2021). Fostering entrepreneurship among low-income individuals through financial capability (CSD Working Paper No. 21-08, submitted for publication). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Decentering Social Innovation: The Value of Dispersed Institutes in Higher Education
Lough, Benjamin J. (2021). Decentering social innovation: The value of dispersed institutes in higher education. Social Enterprise Journal, 18(1), 12–27.
Financial Outcomes in a Child Development Account Experiment: Full Inclusion, Success Regardless of Race or Income, and Investment Growth for All
Clancy, M. M., Beverly, S. G., Schreiner, M., Huang, J., & Sherraden, M. (2021). Financial outcomes in a Child Development Account experiment: Full inclusion, success regardless of race or income, investment growth for all (CSD Research Summary 21-06). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
A Long-Term Experiment on Child Development Accounts: Update and Impacts of SEED for Oklahoma Kids
Huang, J., Beverly, S. G., Clancy, M. M., Schreiner, M., & Sherraden, M. (2021). A long-term experiment on Child Development Accounts: Update and impacts of SEED for Oklahoma Kids (CSD Research Report No. 21-07).
Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Addressing the Burden of Education Financing in Low and Lower-Middle-Income Countries: The Role of Savings Accounts, Cash Transfers, and Other Income Sources
Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Otchere, F., Koomson, I., & Sherraden, M. (2021). Addressing the burden of education financing in low and lower middle income countries: The role of savings accounts, cash transfers, and other income sources. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 42(4), 745–756.
International Development Volunteering as a Catalyst for Long-Term Prosocial Behaviours of Returned Canadian Volunteers
Tiessen, Rebecca, Cassin, Katelyn, & Lough, Benjamin J. (2021). International development volunteering as a catalyst for long-term prosocial behaviours of returned Canadian volunteers. Citizenship Teaching & Learning 16(1): 95–114.
MI-SEED Investment Funds and Account Growth: Implications for Achieving Higher Rates of Return in CDA Programs
Shanks, T. R., & Meehan, P. (2021, February). MI-SEED investment funds and account growth: Implications for achieving higher rates of return in CDA programs (Research Brief No. 21-05). Washington University, Center for Social Development, and University of Michigan, Center for Equitable Family and Community Well-Being.
Toward Finance as a Public Good
Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., & Sherraden, M. (2021). Toward finance as a public good (CSD Working Paper No. 21-03). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Two Extraordinary Days for Race and Electoral Democracy in America
Sherraden, M. (2021, January). Two extraordinary days for race and electoral democracy in America (CSD Perspective No. 21-02). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
In the Community: Over 25 Years of Inquiry, Innovation, and Impact
Center for Social Development. (2021). In the community: Over 25 years of inquiry, innovation, and impact (CSD Report No. 20-01). Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Adapting to Climate Change in the Upper Mississippi River Basin: Exploring Stakeholder Perspectives on River System Management and Flood Risk Reduction
Reed, T., Mason, L. R., & Ekenga, C. C. (2020). Adapting to climate change in the upper Mississippi River basin: Exploring stakeholder perspectives on river system management and flood risk reduction. Environmental Health Insights, 14.
Financial Capability and Asset Building in Social and Economic Development: Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals
Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., Johnson, L., & Zou, L. (2020, November). Financial capability and asset building in social and economic development: Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (CSD Perspective No. 20-27). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
International Development Volunteering as Transformational Feminist Practice for Gender Equality
Tiessen, R., Rao, S., & Lough, B. J. (2021). International development volunteering as transformational feminist practice for gender equality. Journal of Developing Societies, 37(1), 30–56
Examining the Normative Operations of Nonprofit Academic Centers
Lough, B. J. (2021). Examining the normative operations of nonprofit academic centers. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 11(1), 87–103.
Asset-Building Policy in Korea: Innovation for Social Development
This Perspective is adapted from Michael Sherraden’s keynote address given during the “Ceremony Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Self Sufficiency & Welfare Policy and 10th Anniversary of Asset Building Policy” in Korea. The Perspective is presented through a partnership between the Center for Social Development, the Korean Ministry of Health & Welfare, and the Korea […]
COVID-19 and the Future of Volunteering for Development: Findings from a Study Conducted for the International Forum for Volunteering in Development
Perold, H., Mwathi Mati, J., Alum, C., Lough, B. J., (2021, February). COVID-19 and the future of volunteering for development: Findings from a study conducted for the International Forum for Volunteering in Development [Research Report]. International Forum for Volunteering in Development.
Volunteering for Climate Action
Alum, C., Devereux, P., Lough, B. J., & Tiessen, R. (2020, October). Volunteering for climate action. Paper presented at IVCO 2020: Volunteering for Climate Action, the 2020 conference of International Volunteering Cooperation Organisations. Retrieved from International Forum for Volunteering in Development website:
Volunteering for Climate Action: Perspectives from a Survey of Volunteer Involving Organisations (An appendix to Volunteering for Climate Action)
Alum, C., Devereux, P., Lough, B. J., & Tiessen, R. (2020, October). Volunteering for climate action: Perspectives from a survey of volunteer involving organisations (An appendix to Volunteering for Climate Action). Paper presented at IVCO 2020: Volunteering for Climate Action, the 2020 conference of International Volunteering Cooperation Organisations. Retrieved from International Forum for Volunteering in Development website:
Asset Building, Financial Capability, Financial Inclusion, Practice & Research Tools, Presentations & Webinars
FCAB Online Modules | Resources
Insights From State Treasurers: Developing and Implementing Statewide Child Development Account Policies
Leiker, C., Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M. (2020, October). Insights from state treasurers: Developing and implementing statewide Child Development Account policies (CSD Policy Summary No. 20-19). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
An Evaluation of a School-Based Savings Program and Its Effect on Sexual Risk Behaviors and Victimization Among Young Ghanaians
Masa, R., Chowa, G., & Sherraden, M. (2020). An evaluation of a school-based savings program and its effect on sexual risk behaviors and victimization among young Ghanaians. Youth & Society, 52(7), 1083–1106.
Volunteering and the Sustainable Development Goals: An Opportunity to Move Beyond Boundaries
Paine, A. E., Allum, C., Beswick, D., & Lough, B. J. (2020). Volunteering and the Sustainable Development Goals: An opportunity to move beyond boundaries. Voluntary Sector Review, 11(2), 251–260.
International Volunteer Service
Lough, B. J. (2020, June). International volunteer service. In C. Franklin et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Work.
Cash Transfers and Health
Sun, S., Huang, J., Hudson, D., & Sherraden, M. (2020). Cash transfers and health (CSD Working Paper No. 20-16). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Asset Building, Financial Capability, Financial Inclusion, Practice & Research Tools, Presentations & Webinars
FCAB Online Modules
Social workers are all too familiar working with families and individuals who face financial vulnerability. The COVID-19 epidemic has only heightened the issue and expanded the number who are financially at risk due to economic and market forces. In response to a growing request for teaching resources, the Center for Social Development is developing a […]
Child Development Accounts Improve Parenting Practices, Particularly for Financially Vulnerable Families
Huang, J., Beverly, S. G., Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M. (2020, August). Child Development Accounts improve
parenting practices, particularly for financially vulnerable families (CSD Research Brief No. 20-15).
St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Social Work and the Future of Policing: Key Points for Changes in Policy and Practice
Sherraden, M. (2020, June). Social work and the future of policing: Key points for changes in policy and practice (CSD Policy Brief No. 20-14). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Accountable Policing: Policies to Advance the Personal Safety of Black Boys and Young Men
Motley, R. O., Jr., Finner, A., Walker, M., & Joe, S. (2020, June). Accountable policing: Policies to advance the personal safety of Black boys and young men (Race and Opportunity Lab Brief Report No. 3). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development, Race and Opportunity Lab.
Exposure to Community-Based Violence on Social Media among Black Male Emerging Adults Involved with the Criminal Justice System
Motley, R. O., Jr., Chen, Y.-C., Johnson, C., & Joe, S. (2020). Exposure to community-based violence on social media among Black male emerging adults involved with the criminal justice system. Social Work Research, 44(2), 87–97.
An Analysis of the Educational and Health-Related Benefits of Nature-Based Environmental Education in Low-Income Black and Hispanic Children
Sprague, N., Berrigan, D., Ekenga, C. C. (2020). An analysis of the educational and health-related benefits of nature-based environmental education in low-income Black and Hispanic children. Health Equity, 4(1), 198–210.
Mental Health and Weather Extremes in a Southeastern U.S. City: Exploring Group Differences by Race
Mason, L. R., Sharma, B. B., Walters, J. E., Ekenga, C. C. (2020). Mental health and weather extremes in a southeastern U.S. city: Exploring group differences by race. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10).
Child Development Accounts in the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons from the Great Recession
Sherraden, M., Clancy, M. M., Huang, J., & Beverly, S. G. (2020). Child Development Accounts in the COVID-19 crisis: Lessons from the Great Recession (CSD Research and Policy Report No. 20-11). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Inclusive Child Development Accounts: Toward Universality and Progressivity
Huang, J., Zou, L., & Sherraden, M. (Eds.) (2020). Inclusive Child Development Accounts: Toward universality and progressivity. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Re-emergence of Social Work in Modern China: A Perspective by Chinese and U.S. Partners
Sherraden, M., Yuen-Tsang, A. W. K., Wang, S., Khinduka, S., Zou, L., Deng, S., Gao, J., Ku, B. H.-B., Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., & Morrow-Howell, N. (2020). Re-emergence of social work in modern China: A perspective by Chinese and U.S. partners. China Journal of Social Work, 13(1), 40–54.
A Framework for Explaining Black–White Inequality in Homeownership Sustainability
Ren, C. (2020). A framework for explaining Black–White inequality in homeownership sustainability (CSD Working Paper No. 20-07). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Preparing Social Work Faculty to Teach Financial Capability: Where We Stand
Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., Johnson, L., Birkenmaier, J., Loke, V., & Hageman, S. (2020). Preparing social work faculty to teach financial capability: Where we stand. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(4), 688–706.
Child Development Accounts: A Policy Design and Opportunity for Azerbaijan
Huseynli, A., Sherraden, M., & Gottlieb, D. (2020, January). Child Development Accounts: A policy design and opportunity for Azerbaijan (CSD Policy Brief No. 20-02). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Training American Indian and Alaska Native Social Workers for Indian Country
Tovar, M., Thompson, K., & Billiot, S. (2020). Training American Indian and Alaska Native social workers for Indian country. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work, 17(1), 75–89.
Mental and Physical Health in Service Member and Veteran Students Who Identify as American Indians and Alaskan Natives
Albright, D. L., Fletcher, K. L., McDaniel, J. T., Godfrey, K., Thomas, K., Tovar, M., & Bertram, J. M. (2020). Mental and physical health in service member and veteran students who identify as American Indians and Alaskan Natives. Journal of American College Health, 69(7), 783–790.
The Financial Capability and Financial Well-Being of Low-Income Entrepreneurs
Huang, J., & Guo, B. (2020, January). The financial capability and financial well-being of low-income entrepreneurs (CSD Research Brief No. 20-01). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Essential Policy Design Elements for Statewide Child Development Accounts
Clancy, M. M., Sherraden, M., & Beverly, S. G. (2019, December). Essential policy design elements for statewide Child Development Accounts (CSD Fact Sheet No. 19-47). St. Louis MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Child Development Accounts at Scale: Sample State Legislation
Clancy, M. M., Sherraden, M., & Beverly, S. G. (2019, November). Child Development Accounts at scale: Sample state legislation (CSD Policy Summary No. 19-46). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Statewide Child Development Accounts and Local Partnerships: A Scalable Model that Can Include All Children
Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M., Huang, J., Beverly, S. G., & Kim, Y. (2019, November). Statewide Child Development Accounts and Local Partnerships: A Scalable Model that Can Include All Families. (CSD Policy Brief No. 19-45). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Articles & Special Issues, Asset Building, Community and National Service, Democracy and Civic Engagement, Financial Capability, Financial Inclusion, International Service, Social Innovation Partnerships
Applied Social Research: Aiming for Impact
Sherraden, M., Lough, B. J., Sherraden, M. S., Williams Shanks, T. R., & Huang, J. (2019). Applied social research: Aiming for impact. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 10(4), 545–570.
Lessons and Policy Implications From the Flint Water Crisis
Krings, A., Kornberg, D., & Lee, S. (2019). Lessons and policy implications from the Flint water crisis (CSD Policy Brief No. 19-41). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Cancer Risk From Air Toxics in Relation to Neighborhood Isolation and Sociodemographic Characteristics: A Spatial Analysis of the St. Louis Metropolitan Area, USA
Ekenga, C. C., Yeung, C. Y., Oka, M. (2019). Cancer risk from air toxics in relation to neighborhood isolation and sociodemographic characteristics: A spatial analysis of the St. Louis metropolitan area, USA. Environmental Research, 179(Pt. B), 108844.
Financially Vulnerable Families Reap Multiple Benefits From Child Development Accounts
Huang, J., Beverly, S. G., Kim, Y., Clancy, M. M., & Sherraden, M. (2019, October). Financially vulnerable families reap multiple benefits from Child Development Accounts (CSD Research Brief No. 19-40). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Voluntary “Organic” Leadership for Community Resilience
Lough, B. J. (2021). Voluntary “organic” leadership for community resilience. Voluntary Sector Review, 12(1), 81–98.
Articles & Special Issues, Community and National Service, Democracy and Civic Engagement, Voter Access and Engagement
Voting Is Social Work: Voices From the National Social Work Voter Mobilization Campaign
Abramovitz, M., Sherraden, M. S., Hill, K., Rhodes Smith, T., Lewis, B., & Mizrahi, T. (2019). Voting Is Social Work: Voices from the National Social Work Voter Mobilization Campaign. Journal of Social Work Education, 55(4), 626–644.
Economic and Financial Well-Being in the Social Work Curriculum: Faculty Perspectives
Hageman, S. A., Sherraden, M. S., Birkenmaier, J. M., & Loke, V. (2021). Economic and financial well-being in the social work curriculum: Faculty perspectives. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(2), 251–263.
Community and National Service, Democracy and Civic Engagement, Featured Pub, Report, Voter Access and Engagement
Will I Be Able to Cast My Ballot? Race, Income, and Voting Access on Election Day
McClendon, G. G., Pitzer, K., Sherraden, M., & Aguilar, A. (with Lieberman, D.). (2019). Will I be able to cast my ballot? Race, income, and voting access on Election Day (CSD Research Report No. 19-36). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Briefs & Summaries, Community and National Service, Democracy and Civic Engagement, Practice & Research Tools, Voter Access and Engagement
Race, Income, and Voting Access on Election Day
Aguilar, A., McClendon, G. G., Sherraden, M., & Pitzer, K. A. (2019, September). Race, income, and voting access on Election Day (CSD Fact Sheet No. 19-37). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Healing Policies for Black Boys and Young Men in St. Louis: Priorities in 2019
Joe, S., Motley, R., Ivory, A., Finner, A., & Frederick, J. (2019). Healing policies for Black boys and young men in St. Louis: Priorities in 2019 (Race and Opportunity Lab Brief Report No. 2). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development, Race and Opportunity Lab.
Financial Social Work
Sherraden, M. S., & Huang, J. (2019). Financial social work. In C. Franklin et al. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Work. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.923
“Let’s Talk About the Real Issue”: Localized Perceptions of Environment and Implications for Ecosocial Work Practice
Kang, J., Fabbre, V. D., & Ekenga, C. C. (2019). “Let’s talk about the real issue”: Localized perceptions of environment and implications for ecosocial work practice. Journal of Community Practice, 27(3–4).
The Effects of International Volunteering on Community-Based Engagement in Canada
Tiessen, R., & Lough, B. J. (2019). The effects of international volunteering on community-based engagement in Canada [Report]. Employment and Social Development Canada.
Who Will Help Children? Building Regional Brain Regimes
Tate, W. F., IV. (2019, August). Who will help children? Building brain regimes (CSD Perspective No. 19-30). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Gender and Public Health Emergency Preparedness Among United States Adults
Ekenga, C. C., & Ziyu, L. (2019). Gender and public health emergency preparedness among United States adults. Journal of Community Health, 44(4), 656–660.
“I Didn’t Really Want to Leave”: A Case Study of Public Housing Relocation Under Pressure
Metzger, M. W., & Oliphant, J. E. (2019). “I didn’t really want to leave”: A case study of public housing relocation under pressure. Critical Social Work,18(1).
Volunteering and Measures of Human Development
Lough, B. J. (2019, July). Volunteering and measures of human development (CSD Research Brief No. 19-28). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Promoting Health-Related Quality of Life in Minority Youth Through Environmental Education and Nature Contact
Ekenga, C. C., Sprague, N., & Shobiye, D. M. (2019). Promoting health-related quality of life in minority youth through environmental education and nature contact. Sustainability, 11(13), 3544.
Financial Capability and Economic Security Among Low-Income Older Asian Immigrants: Lessons from Qualitative Interviews
Nam, Y., Sherraden, M. S., Huang, J., Lee, E. J., & Keovisai, M. (2019). Financial capability and economic security among low-income older Asian immigrants: Lessons from qualitative interviews. Social Work, 64(3), 224–232.
You Are College Material—You Belong: An Underrepresented Minority Student Retention Intervention Without Deception
Patterson Silver Wolf, D. A., Taylor, F., Maguin, E., & Asher BlackDeer, A. (2019). You Are College Material—You Belong: An underrepresented minority student retention intervention without deception. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.
Segregation and a Path Forward to Inclusion in St. Louis
Webber, H. S. (2019, May). Segregation and a path forward to inclusion in St. Louis (CSD Perspective No. 19-25). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
A Time of Opportunity
Glover Blackwell, A. (2019, May). A time of opportunity (CSD Perspective No. 19-24). St. Louis, MO: Washington University, Center for Social Development.
Books & Chapters, Democracy and Civic Engagement, Grand Challenges for Social Work, Productive Aging
Engaging Older Adult Volunteers in National Service
McBride, A. M., Greenfield, J. C., Morrow-Howell, N., Lee, Y. S., & McCrary, S. (2019). Engaging older adult volunteers in national service. In T. B. Bent-Goodley, J. H. Williams, M. L. Teasley, S. H. Gorin (Eds.), Grand challenges for society: Evidence-based social work practice (pp. 222–234). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Reverse Social Work’s Neglect of Adults Involved in the Criminal Justice System: The Intersection and Agenda
Pettus-Davis, C. (2019). Reverse social work’s neglect of adults involved in the criminal justice system: The intersection and agenda. In T. B. Bent-Goodley, J. H. Williams, M. L. Teasley, S. H. Gorin (Eds.), Grand challenges for society: Evidence-based social work practice (pp. 352–358). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Assets and Income: Disability-Based Disparities in the United States
Parish, S.L., Grinstein-Weiss, M., Yeo, Y. H., Rose, R. A., & Rimmerman, A. (2019). Assets and income: Disability-based disparities in the United States. In T. B. Bent-Goodley, J. H. Williams, M. L. Teasley, S. H. Gorin (Eds.), Grand challenges for society: Evidence-based social work practice (pp. 431–443). Washington, DC: NASW Press.
Enrollment and Participation in a Universal Child Savings Program: Evidence from the Rollout of Israel’s National Program
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Pinto, O., Kondratjeva, O., Roll, S. P., Bufe, S., Barkali, N., & Gottlieb, D. (2019). Enrollment and participation in a universal child savings program: Evidence from the rollout of Israel’s national program. Children and Youth Services Review, 101, 225–238.
Breaking the Cycle: An Asset-Based Family Intervention for Poverty Alleviation in China
Deng, S. (2019). Breaking the cycle: An asset-based family intervention for poverty alleviation in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 82–94. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1571943
A Qualitative Study on Participants’ Perceptions of Child Development Accounts in Korea
Han, C.-K. (2019). A qualitative study on participants’ perceptions of child development accounts in Korea. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 70–81. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1571941
Assessing the Impact of an Asset-Based Intervention on Educational Outcomes of Orphaned Children and Adolescents: Findings from a Randomised Experiment in Uganda
Nabunya, P., Namatovu, P., Damulira, C., Kivumbi, A., Byansi, W., Mukasa, M., Nattabi, J., & Ssewamala, F. M. (2019). Assessing the impact of an asset-based intervention on educational outcomes of orphaned children and adolescents: Findings from a randomised experiment in Uganda. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 59–69. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1575271
Policy Innovation and Policy Realisation: The Example of Children Future Education and Development Accounts in Taiwan
Cheng, L.-C. (2019). Policy innovation and policy realisation: The example of children future education and development accounts in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 48–58. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1571942
The Saving for Every Child Program in Israel: An Overview of a Universal Asset-Building Policy
Grinstein-Weiss, M., Kondratjeva, O., Roll, S. P., Pinto, O., & Gottlieb, D. (2019). The Saving for Every Child Program in Israel: An overview of a universal asset-building policy. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 20–33. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1574600
Building Assets From Birth: Singapore’s Policies
Loke, V., & Sherraden, M. (2019). Building assets from birth: Singapore’s policies. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 29(1), 6–19. doi:10.1080/02185385.2019.1571940