Meeting the Grand Challenge to Build Financial Capability and Assets for All; Social Workers: A Ready Workforce for Building Financial Capability in Underserved Households

Sherraden, M. S., Huang, J., & Johnson, L. (2024, July). Meeting the grand challenge to build financial capability and assets for all; Social workers: A ready workforce for building financial capability in underserved households (Policy Brief). Grand Challenges for Social Work.

Meeting the Grand Challenge to Build Financial Capability and Assets for All; Strengthen the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Birkenmaier, J., & Huang, J. (2024, July). Meeting the grand challenge to build financial capability and assets for all; Strengthen the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Policy Brief). Grand Challenges for Social Work.

Eliminate Racism, Reduce Extreme Economic Inequality, and Build Financial Capabilities and Assets for All; Universal Child Development Accounts to Develop All Children and Reduce Racial Wealth Inequality

Huang, J., Shanks, T. R., Teasley, M., Spencer, M., & Sherraden, M. (2024, July). Eliminate racism, reduce extreme economic inequality, and build financial capabilities and assets for all; Universal Child Development Accounts to develop all children and reduce racial wealth inequality (Policy Brief). Grand Challenges for Social Work.

Child Savings Accounts and Other Tax-Advantaged Accounts Benefiting American Children: Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance

Elliott, W. (2024, May). Child Savings Accounts and other tax-advantaged accounts benefiting American children: Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance (CSD Perspective No. 24-05). Washington University, Center for Social Development, and University of Michigan, Center on Assets, Education, and Inclusion.

Financial Capability and Asset Building: Innovations in Social Protection and Development

Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Huang, J., Sun, S., Huseynli, A., Koomson, I., Chowa, G., Ssewamala, F., Sherraden, M. S., & Sherraden, M. (2023). Financial capability and asset building: innovations in social protection and development. In L. Patel, S. Plagerson, & I Chinyoka (Eds.), Handbook on social protection and social development in the global South (pp. 308–330). Edward Elgar Publishing.

What It’s Worth: Strengthening the Financial Future of Families

Sherraden, M., & Sherraden, M. S. (2023). What it’s worth: Strengthening the financial future of families. In S. Deng, J. Huang, S. Fang, & X. Zhou (Eds.), 资产建设视角的反贫困社会工作:发展、对话与启示 [Asset-building perspective in anti-poverty social work: Development, dialogue, and insights] (Chap. 13). East China University of Science and Technology Press.

Child Development Accounts

Huang, J., & Zou, L. (2023). Child Development Accounts. In S. Deng, J. Huang, S. Fang, & X. Zhou (Eds.), 资产建设视角的反贫困社会工作:发展、对话与启示 [Asset-building perspective in anti-poverty social work: Development, dialogue, and insights] (Chap. 8). East China University of Science and Technology Press.

Financial Capability

Sherraden, M. S. (2023). Financial capability. In S. Deng, J. Huang, S. Fang, & X. Zhou (Eds.), 资产建设视角的反贫困社会工作:发展、对话与启示 [Asset-building perspective in anti-poverty social work: Development, dialogue, and insights] (Chap. 2). East China University of Science and Technology Press.

Determinants of Asset Building

Beverly, S. G., Sherraden, M., Cramer, R., Shanks, T. R., & Nam, Y. (2023). Determinants of asset building. In S. Deng, J. Huang, S. Fang, & X. Zhou (Eds.), 资产建设视角的反贫困社会工作:发展、对话与启示 [Asset-building perspective in anti-poverty social work: Development, dialogue, and insights] (Chap. 1). East China University of Science and Technology Press.

The Effectiveness of Financial Capability and Asset Building Interventions in Improving Youth’s Educational Well-Being: A Systematic Review

Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Nyon, T., Appiah Kubi, J., Amoako, E. O., Koomson, I., Conklin, J. (2023). The effectiveness of financial capability and asset building interventions in improving youth’s educational well-being: A systematic review. Adolescent Research Review. Advance online publication.

Sarri, Rosemary

Barth, R. P., & Sherraden, M. (2023, July 19). Sarri, Rosemary. In C. Franklin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Work (Online ed.).

Policy, Practice, and Institutional Barriers to Financial Capability and Asset Building Related to Race (Racism) in the United States

Jones, J. L., Birkenmaier, J., Johnson, L., McClendon, G. G., Nam, Y., Huang, J., & Onifade, E. (2023). Policy, practice, and institutional barriers to financial capability and asset building related to race (racism) in the United States. In M. L. Teasley, M. S. Spencer, & M. Bartholomew (Eds.), Social work and the Grand Challenge of Ending Racism: Concepts, theory, and evidence based approaches (Chap. 21). Oxford University Press.

HomeGrown StL 5th Annual Regional Summit on the State of Opportunities for Black Boys and Young Men: Organizing for Solutions That Unleash the Elite Potential of Young Black Males

Joe, S., Clifton, M., & Carlton-Brown, D. (2023, May). HomeGrown StL 5th Annual Regional Summit on the State of Opportunity for Black Boys and Young Men: Organizing for solutions that unleash the elite potential of young Black males (CSD Conference Report No. 23-17). Washington University, Center for Social Development, Race & Opportunity Lab, HomeGrown StL.

Private Supplementary Tutoring Expenditures and Children’s Learning Outcomes: Gender and Locational Evidence from Ghana

Ansong, D., Koomson, I., Okumu, M., Alhassan, M., Makubuya, T., & Abreh, M. K. (2023). Private supplementary tutoring expenditures and children’s learning outcomes: Gender and locational evidence from Ghana. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 76, Article 101232.

Building Financial Capability and Assets for All

Huang, J., Sherraden, M. S., Johnson, E., Birkenmaier, J., Rothwell, D., Despard, M. R., Jones, J. L., Callahan, C., Doran, J., Frey, J. J., McClendon, G. G., Friedline, T., & McKinney, R. (2022). Building financial capability and assets for all. In R. P. Barth, J. T. Messing, T. R. Shanks, & J. H. Williams (Eds.), Grand challenges for social work and society (2nd ed., pp. 310–340). Oxford University Press.

Introduction: Innovations in Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Understanding the Role of International Development Volunteers as Transnational Actors

Tiessen, R., & Lough, B. J. (2021). Introduction: Innovations in gender equality and women’s empowerment: Understanding the role of international development volunteers as transnational actors. Voluntaris, Special issue, 7–43.

HomeGrown StL 4th Annual Regional Summit on the State of Opportunities for Black Boys and Young Men: Closing the Health, Growth, and Opportunity Gaps

Joe, S., Clifton, M., & Carlton-Brown, D. (2021, December). HomeGrown StL 4th Annual Regional Summit on the State of Opportunities for Black Boys and Young Men: Closing the healing, growth, and opportunity gaps (CSD Conference Report No. 21-34). Washington University, Center for Social Development, Race & Opportunity Lab, HomeGrownStL.